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我校martin travis dove教授将于近期举行留学英国讲座,主要内容包括:英国大学概况研究生学习、为什么选择留学英国、赴英深造的实用申请建议以及研究经历分享现场设提问环节,参与学生将与主讲人充分交流,欢迎感兴趣的同学积极、准时参加,认真了解相关情况,为赴英交流、学习、深造做准备。讲座具体安排如下:

一、时间:2021年12月06日(星期一) 15:00-16:00

二、地点:望江校区 基础教学楼a座308教室


martin travis dove(马丁﹒特拉维斯﹒达夫)教授,英国伯明翰大学物理学博士,主要研究领域为计算机模拟、中子散射。来华前为英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院教授,曾任剑桥大学教授、伦敦大学玛丽女王学院物理学院副院长等职务,现任四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)全职外籍教师(高端外籍),他为我省和我校的国际合作交流做出了重要贡献,2019年获得四川省人民政府颁发的“天府友谊奖”。


why the united kingdom can be a good place for graduate studies

the united kingdom, like china, has a long and rich history of culture, society, learning and technological development. the province of china that is closest to the uk in geographical size and population is hunan. although this makes the uk sound small, it has surpassed its size in things like the number of nobel prize winners, the number of academic publications and their impact, and wider impact in things like technological advances (for example, the processor inside everyone's mobile phone is a uk invention) and in media (music, films, computer games).

in the talk, prof. dove will describe the uk university system with focus on what it is like to be a graduate student, and discuss some of the advantages the uk offers. he will give some practical advice about how to apply for a phd in a uk university. he will also use his own experience in uk universities to illustrate the uk research experience. plenty of time will be allocated for questions and answers.


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